Health, Safety & Environment

Responsible business conduct and sustainable economic growth have been part of DNA since X.Y. Tower was found.
Today sustainable and economic development is our principles which are an integral part of our mission and service and are formalized through our systematic work. We believe that an appropriate balance can and should be achieved between economic development and environmental goals. Environmental targets and objectives are set for our businesses that are checked by regular management and supervisory action together with independent internal and third-party surveillance. X.Y. Tower believe and promote that all our employees are responsible for the adherence to environmental targets, objectives and management requirement. We devote to be a leader in responsible HSE management in peer companies.
X.Y. Tower is dedicated to the concept that all accidents are preventable and we are committed to a zero-accident policy. To achieve this commitment and foster a culture of continuous improvement of our safety health and environment duties, the following requirement shall be followed:
Keeping ourselves aware of and compliant with all current and future Laws and regulations.
Apply more stringent standards and procedures in our company.
Health of employees is the priority concern of company. X.Y. Tower is ensuring safety at work places and all employees must be in Protective equipment at workshop, while the employee should follow the safety production code strictly.
Protect the Environment by maintaining low levels of generated waste through various activities, and minimize the consumption of resources.
Continually identify the potential areas for HSE Management System improvement and establish the necessary measures to implement such improvements.